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typology:  Un percorso fotografico e pittorico sul tema del corpo e del femminile di Silvia Bigi e Laura Rambelli

location: NINAPI, Ravenna 

year: 2015

29 is a project stressing the idea that the femininity has to find its real natural ,

towards a new direction.


The 70’s fights have of course helped to give all the social rights, material  goods and space to women, but at the same time they have created a big distance with their real nature.


Women and men are not equals, they are different, but this is no ones fault, this is not a matter of power.

This diversity deeply lives in our body, our circled life, our biological and mental transformations. 

Our diversity is our strength, and the real nature and meaning of complementary love with men. It’s time to accept it. It’s time to develop a new way of communicating, really connected with us by stopping the search of this condition of “equality” that doesn’t exist. Women have their strength, their fears, their pain. Men have their own. Man as man, woman as woman.


I gently take action, without violence or strong speeches, this idea applied to today’s men and women.


The work is developed searching for ancients characters, myths, trying to explain the limits of this old vision but also giving a new freedom to these ancients models and to the concept of being woman, learning to be thankfull and letting go of stereotypes, in a creation of contemporary new rituals, myths and archetypes.

Silvia Bigi, Laura Rambelli

bianco indigesto

title: Indigestible White

typology: Exhibition with poems by Francesco Trulli 

year: 2014


These artworks are a top view of the universe, out of mental exercise: here I can see and feel everything from a different perspective, just from the top in a singolar connection with the universe. 


The project includes a program aimed at the rediscovery of man as part of a harmonious universe to us brother. 

The 10 paintings are accompanied by poems via earphones, played by the Poet Francesco Trulli. 

CollisioneFrancesco Trulli

title: The consequence of waiting 

typology: exhibition

location: Lilith Gallery, (Ra) Italy

year: 2012


“People do not take trips, are the trips that people do.” John Steinbeck


“The consequences of Waiting” is the result of a long journey, a ‘passionate human and cultural research that from 2009 to 2011 led Laura Rambelli to follow the traces of the Roma community, starting with the largest European field of Shutka Macedonia. This long process has also given rise to a visual narrative consists of a series of pictorial portraits and a documentary movie. The trip took place on the final big “Fête des Gitans”, celebrated every year in May in Saintes Maries de la Mer, France. A celebration where thousands of people, including Roma, Gypsies, Manouches, tourists and locals flock to honor Sarah, the patron saint , alternating deep religious devotion in lively moments of music, song and dance.

“I used my camera, with which I decided to make the expectation of Sarah the my real research, capturing the moments before the religious procession.“

“The consequences of Waiting” is the heart of this trip, where the waiting time was the most fertile creative. The result is a small diary made of painted images, pages where Laura does not seem to want to investigate, but rather to look, observe these figures who seem distant, not in real communication. A bit like in our life, where everyone tries frantically the other, not only to meet almost never. The eyes can not really meet.

People do not touch each other as figures fearful and perhaps conscious of their common solitude. Waiting, in fact.

Paolo Trioschi


title: White Snow's Mirror

typology: art book

year: 2017


I got this Italian artist catalogue from a publishing company, with the aim of recycling what was left unsold. The project foresees the transformation of the catalog into an art book.

As you know the classic stories like Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, etc. .. are full of symbols that tell about the difficult transition from girl to woman. Starting from the story of Snow White I decided to draw, taking advantage of some drawings, the cycles of the life of women ranging from the girl to the elderly woman, applying a small mirror that is present on every page, as if to invite every woman to go beyond the mirror, apparently and entering the magical world of women, becoming fully aware of it to discover that all the changes, all the phases of the woman's body, interior and exterior can be fascinating and are also an opportunity for spiritual growth. With the cutouts made for the mirror I made a lunar calendar applying the moons that let glimpse the drawings of the old catalog on an ancient linen fabric, taken from the trunk of an old lady.


title: Inside - Illustrations by Laura Rambelli, Poem byPaul Polansky - Stefania Vecchi and Gaetano Blaiotta's projects

typology: art book

year: 2016